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Residential Design - Kids Nursery

Aren’s Nursery

We absolutely love to design for kids! Most parents will agree that providing their children with a wonderful living space in which they can thrive, learn and play is of paramount importance, which is what we’ve done for Aren. A child’s surroundings can have a...

Commercial Design

Beijing MCC Sales Office

This was a collaborative project with L'Aventure & Associates for a neoclassical style sales office located in Beijing China. Playing with the proportions and symmetries of the neoclassical style, the approach was to raise classical style to new heights with a modern facelift that complemented...

Residential Design

Harrington Residence

Harrington Residence started as a gorgeous but sparsely decorated luxury home. ElvinTan Design transformed this home into a stylish showpiece that embodies the personality and style of the owner. A place to live, love and entertain. Our vision is a place that is designed to...

Retail Design

The Fontaine Collection

The Fontaine Collection is a space to enjoy and indulge luxurious interiors. We worked closely with our client to create a beautiful space that reflects sophistication, style and luxury where interior lovers can enjoy high-end furniture and accessories. Our vision is a place that is...

Commercial Design

Dream Factory

This is a collaborative work with InteriorScape Studio for a new co-working space located in Footscray Melbourne. As we all know, the workplace trends have shifted tremendously within these few years. People expect more than a desk to work from 9 to 5. Co-working is...